Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pictures of China

With that nice little photo out of the way, here's a post I've been meaning to do for a while. China, by far, has the best signage out of any country I've ever been to. Some of them are delightfully informative, others are well...not nearly as delightfully informative for lack of a better phrase. As such, we shall go through them from most informative to least.

So lets start with this brilliant gem:

So, we do know that you shouldn't drink and drive from this picture. However, the reasoning why probably isn't the best. I'm pretty certain isn't so much to prevent drunk driving as it is to prevent latent psychic powers from becoming active. Three things in this picture seem to point to this conclusion. The first two are recognizable by anyone: the flying bottle and glass, and the ninja stars from out of nowhere that also happen to be flying. The final clue only occurs to someone that is here. No normal Chinese person would have hair like that. The only style that seems to be in fashion here are bangs in front of your eyes. I don't have the heart to tell them that style has been out for...well...I wasn't alive when it was.

Now, we move to another gem:

This one was very easy to figure out when it's before every bridge you see. However, if you take that little fact out we can only conclude that this means 10 trillion TIE fighters ahead. This also allows for only one conclusion. China is the Death Star. Furthermore, they really love purchasing their fighters in bulk. I blame Costco, but when I get home I'm going to inquire into making my own purchase.

The next two are easily my favorite signs, but I think I'm required to go in order of confusion. I actually know what the first one means. The second one...not so much.

My first thought was, "Man, China sure hates the English Horn." My second thought was to figure out why. After a deep look at recent Chinese history, I discovered the cause! The Rogue Marching Band protests in 1989****CENSORED****! Now, I have also learned that I am not allowed to bring up ****CENSORED**** in conversation in China, and that by mentioning it here, I am tempting fate! Either way, I call upon the Gettysburg College Marching Band to help rescue me in case of issues! I'll provide the beer and Jungle Juice. You bring the Sousas.

Now, we move onto the final signage picture. I have no idea what this actually means.

So, we started taking communal guesses. Most of them reasoned out to "No cars on fire." If so, it's very effective because I have yet to see a car on fire. My personal favorite interpretation is "No Car Bombs!" Basically, I have the mental image of a bunch of terrorists driving up in a car, seeing the sign, and going "Dammit, EVERY TIME!", and just driving off to wherever they came from to come up with a new plan that China inevitably has a sign for. With that said, I'm going to steal a couple of these signs, and ship them to Israel to test my hypothesis.

Finally, we have a couple non-sign related pictures. Don't skip to the bottom. I want to showcase China's natural beauty! Here are pictures of a massive waterfall, complete with pictures of stairs to showcase size, and pictures of the view from less then halfway up.

Finally, the view from the top!

And that's China's pristine natural beauty! I need to go into hiding now. I think the government heard about me mentioning ****censored****.

Album with all the pictures taken so far